The Winnipeg Real Estate News website continues to deliver comprehensive property information and dynamic real estate and home-related content to our customers and readers.
According to the latest report from Google Analytics, enjoyed healthy website traffic and increased visitation during April to June, 2018. Our traffic rose by 23.4% with a total of 242,980 visits, a significant increase when compared to the first quarter of 2018. Over 87,130 unique visitors accessed the site during the second quarter, an increase of 18.1% over the first three months of the year. Similarly, page views totalled over 3.3 million, a substantial increase of 31.7% from the first quarter.
Our visitors recognize and trust in the accuracy, reliability and detail of the property information found on the site. Nearly all of the content searched for involved property details and finding similar properties. Visitors also utilized our Smart Search and Advanced Search functions frequently, indicating that today’s home buyers are increasingly specific in their needs when finding their perfect home.
The majority of end users arrive at our site via search engine, bringing in a total of 46,859 visitors or 53.8% of all visitors. A significant portion of our visitors access our site directly, this equates to over 32,020 visitors or 35.8% of all users. Engagement through social media accounted for an astounding 128.8% increase from the first quarter with over 8,080 new visitors. This reflects our comprehensive efforts at using our various social media channels to promote our editorial content and our market intelligence infographics. Further, we have intensified our utilization of video for publicizing new editions of the Real Estate News and the monthly market releases. These videos are shared via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linked-in, and new to our efforts, IGTV.
Unsurprisingly, Canadian visitors accounted for over 97% of users during the second quarter, followed by a small percentage of US visitors. Manitoba-based users generated the most traffic, followed by Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia.
In terms of platforms accessing our site, desktop computers were used the most at 48.8%. Mobile users followed closely at 35.4%, followed by tablet users at 15.8%. As development continues with our upcoming site changes, we will incorporate more mobile friendly features and responsive design.