by Bruce Cherney
Manitobans have had a long fascination with “ghoulies, ghosties, long-leggetty beasties and things that go bump in the night” (Pollperro Proverbs and Others, 1926).
Hallowe’en started out as ...
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I am continually forced to tell people not to put so much credence on what they read on the Internet.
It’s frustrating to have people come forward with some snippet gleaned from some website that they claim is fact when it&rsqu...
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by Stefano Grande
Winnipeg is at the beginning of a housing boom, following downtown housing revival trends seen across North America.
The message communicated to REALTORS® during the Winnipeg Real Estate Board...
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by Bruce Cherney (part 1 of 2)
(Last week: “Never in the history of Winnipeg civic elections has the fight between the respective candidates been so brief, but what has been lacking in length has been made up by the snap with w...
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Some things you read about are worth repeating and one of these items is the need to keep a lid on property taxes.
In response to a September 24, 2006, article on the question of raising city property taxes written by Free Pres...
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I’m not sure Mayor Sam Katz wants his endorsement, but that is exactly what Ron Pollack provided, which resulted in fits of laughter from the 100 people attending the mayoralty forum held on October 12 at the Hotel Fort Garry.
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At one time there was little difference between the Edmonton and Winnipeg housing markets when computing affordability.
Not any more.
Edmonton house prices have gone through the roof in relation to Winnipeg’s...
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by Bruce Cherney (part 1 of 2)
This year’s election mayoralty campaign hasn’t exactly attracted the undivided attention of the electorate. Although four candidates are running — Sam Katz, Kaj Hasselriis, Maria...
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Question: All my decisions for my new home are finalized except one. Since there are so many different types of insulation, I would like to know more about the advantages of spray-applied foam insulation and is it a safe insul...
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Among suggestions to add some spice to civic election campaigns is the implementation of party politics at the municipal level.
In American municipal elections, candidates do run under the banner of a particular political party. For ...
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