Input sought for proposed new home warranty legislation

Manitobans are being asked for their input on proposed provincial legislation that would provide warranty protection addressing defects and construction problems on new homes.  
“A new home is the largest single expenditure most consumers ever make and we think it’s important to require all new homes to come with a built-in warranty from a warranty 
company,” said Family Services and Consumer Affairs Minister Gord Mackintosh. “This discussion paper encourages the public and other stakeholders to think about the issues and take part in the discussion on how to create fair and effective laws for the industry and the public.”
Four companies in Manitoba currently offer warranties on construction defects. The goal is to ensure all new home buyers have the same protection, added Mackintosh.  
British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec all have laws requiring warranties on new homes.
“The members of the Manitoba Home Builders’ Association build 87 per cent of all new homes in the province of Manitoba and these professional builders strongly support the development of a mandatory warranty program for all new homes,” said Mike Moore, president of the association. “We believe this is a positive step forward for consumers and ensures a level playing field for builders.”
  The minster said the Manitoba 
government is considering legislating warranty requirements on newly-built homes to ensure that people have confidence in such a major purchase and that all builders compete on a level playing field. 
“I’m pleased to say that the majority of new homes in Manitoba are well built and homeowners do not face major issues,” he added. “However, defects can occur and we want to make sure that consumers are protected from unexpected repair costs.”
The discussion paper encourages input and recommendations from the public and the industry. The main issues under discussion are:
• The minimum amount of warranty coverage.
• The length of warranty periods.
• The defects covered during each warranty period.
The discussion paper is available online at The deadline for submissions is September 30. Submissions can be sent by mail   to: Research and Planning Branch, Consumer and Corporate Affairs Division, Manitoba Family Services and Consumer Affairs, 1534-405 Broadway, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3L6; or phone 204-945-8224, or call toll-free 
1-800-282-8069, ext. 8224; fax 
204-945-4009; or e-mail to research@