WinnipegREALTORS executive staff continue to network with more brokers/managers to establish greater roads for communication, as we strive to create a more responsive association for our members. As the year came to a close and new directors occupy new positions on the board, staff have conducted exit interviews with departing directors for further exploration into how to advance our association.
As the WinnipegREALTORS building at 1240 Portage approaches its 40th year, a proactive maintenance plan has been implemented, including a thermographic scan testing for moisture levels and frost point testing. Continued upkeep on the building included replacing a vestibule heater motor and the pilot assembly on a roof top unit. Further, corroded drainage pipes in the lower level multi-purpose room were repaired.
Member Services
Planning is complete for the “Road to Sucess 2018”, WinnipegREALTORS new format for its Professional Development Program and Matrix Training Sessions. Throughout 2018, participants will be awarded educational credit hours for each educational session taken. Participants will receive a certificate at the end of each session which can be used as part of their marketing portfolio, as well, participants will receive a commemorative year-end certificate. During 2018, over 75 hours of learning opportunities will be offered helping members become professional, vital and relevant.
Call Centre
- Call volumes to November 30: 141,480 down from 154,365 in 2016, partly based on the reduction of robo-calls and telemarketing calls
- Overall client service levels at 98.2% and operator productivity has increased with additional administrative duties and outbound member calling
- 24 of 78 chats (31%) are opened outside of WRA office hours
- Areas of assistance were on: KEYSTONE 64%, MATRIX® 15%, MLS 6%, OTHERS 10%
- 78 Total Member Web Chats
Commercial Division
As of December 2017, after approximately two months of usage, Winnipegcommercialrealtors.ca currently displays over 1200 listings, with over 11,000 unique visits since November 1, 2017.
Publications and Graphic Design
New slides were created for the WinnipegREALTOR electronic billboard. Their simple yet effective design promote the value of using a REALTOR and the many different types of expertise they offer. Slides were created for both our residential and commercial members with their different areas of knowledge.
A newly developed GoogleAdWords campaign has been developed to drive traffic to CPIX® and to reinforce the different levels of value offered by our members.
External Relations
WinnipegREALTORS® sponsored the Chamber of Commerce's first Civic Leaders Dinner with four representatives attending and having an opportunity to chat with Mayor Bowman, CAO Doug McNeil, Chief Financial Officer Mike Ruta, Chief Innovation Officer Michael Legary, and City Councillor Janice Lukes. A strong branding ad was in the dinner program as part of our sponsorship
A small working group has been set up to explore bringing in impact fees on commercial real estate. WinnipegREALTORS® sent a formal request for a representative from our Commercial Division be included on this working group.
Citizens Hall of Fame
During the annual Selection Committee meeting held on December 8, nine nominees recognizing past leaders and innovators contributing to the quality of life in Winnipeg were selected. The winner will be announced on a future date.
Discussions are underway to determine the future incorporation of the current Hall of Fame exhibit with the development of the Assiniboine Park Diversity Gardens. This new project is now underway and will be completed in 2019.
Social Media stats
Google AdWords: first month running — 165, 355 impressions, 1,410 clicks
LinkedIn: Increase in followers from 152 to 161. Posted articles ranged from 50-600 views per post
Facebook: Increase in both likes and followers to 8,206 likes and 7,841 followers
Twitter: Increase in followers from 149 to 162
Instagram: Increase in followers from 133 to 174