Canadians are born explorers. With most of us cooped up at home due to physical distancing guidelines, warmer weather can now mean it’s time to head outside.
Fortunately, we have endless kilometres of land to explore across our beautiful nation, but our next escape can even be as close as our own backyards. Here are some tips to reclaim the outdoors while staying safe:
• Plan your route — Are you going for a leisurely stroll around the neighbourhood or on a strenuous hike? Map out your destination and ensure you know how you’re getting from point A to B. Ticks hide in high grass and bushes. If possible, walk on paths to limit your exposure.
• Dress the part — Limit your exposure to ticks and mosquitoes by wearing permethrin-based clothing. Mark’s WindRiver tick- and mosquito-
repellent clothing is the first of its kind in
Canada. These apparel and accessories provide invisible and odourless protection against ticks and mosquitoes.
• Enjoy the outdoors — From beautiful British Columbia to the shores of Newfoundland and Labrador and the rivers, mountain ranges and national parks in between, take in all that Canada has to offer. Practice safe physical distancing from your peers.
• Perform a tick check — Ticks are good at hiding. Take off your clothing outside your home to loosen any unattached ticks. Grab a mirror and closely inspect the following areas: head, hair, under your arms, groin area, behind your knees and between your toes.
• Clean up — Taking a shower may loosen any unattached ticks to your body. Feel around for bumps or dark spots. If you find a tick and are unable to remove it with tweezers, contact your physician.
— NewsCanada