Archive : January 2013

Whimsy for the month of January

  You can tell it’s January because: • Most of us are way behind on our bills and way ahead on our calories. • You're still writing 2012 on your cheques instead of 2013.

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Plagiarism once again in the news

  We regularly see stories about literary theft. Nearly always, the thief is someone who knows better, perhaps is a well-respected scholar or professional writer. The crime is called plagiarism. The most recent news about plag...

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A dubious distinction

  Oh my! How bad can it get! Lake Winnipeg is in the running for Threatened Lake of the Year, 2013. Global Nature Fund, the organization that created the International Living Lakes network and annually chooses the most-threate...

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More housing market predictions

  “Forecasting is the process of making statements about events whose actual outcomes (typically) have not yet been observed. A commonplace example might be estimation of some variable of interest at some specified futur...

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Another flu season

  A child at home. A co-worker. A friend. You hear them continually coughing, sniffling and wheezing. Chances are that if you don’t have the flu, you know someone who does and you are in danger of contracting the virus w...

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