With winter’s grasp still firm on our province, despite a pretty balmy January, it’s the perfect excuse to curl up with a good book. And since February is “I love to read” month, there’s no better time to create a reading nook in your home. Not a reader? Then create a cozy corner to listen to music or scroll through your social in a comfortable chair, under a blanket, with a hot bevvie. No one can deny how pretty snow can be when you’re bundled up indoors looking out at it!
You may not have space in your home for an entire reading room, but that doesn’t mean you can’t design a special space in a cozy corner (corner not required) to while away these lingering weeks of winter weather.
1. Location, location, location
Some places people typically try to utilize within their home are the attic, the basement, hallway, kitchen corner, or the living room. Are you designing an existing nook-sized space within your home, or are you trying to create your own cozy corner in a larger room? Existing corners in your home may already have access to natural or artificial lighting, which is essential to make sure you don’t strain your eyes when reading in your cozy corner. Setting up next to a large window makes your reading nook more serene and gives you access to the outdoors, without having to brave the elements.
2. Lighting
If you don’t have a cozy-corner-convertible (say that five times fast!) part of a room, full of natural light to use, you’re going to need a lamp — we recommend an adjustable floor lamp, but you can also find a small desk lamp, provided you have an electrical hook-up nearby.
3. Privacy
If you are designing in an open area, you can either add a sliding door, a room divider or privacy screen. When designing in a smaller area, like an attic, under the stairs, etc. a curtain or sheet can give you comfort and privacy in your reading nook.
4. Flat surface
Whether you have space for a dining tray, a small table, or to build a shelf on the wall, it helps to have something to put your tea, hot chocolate, book or tablet down on when reading in your cozy corner.
5. Storage
Is your cozy corner going to be a full-time reading nook, to be shared with others in your home, or does it need to fulfill another function when not in use? Having an under-storage area, especially when designing with bench-or-ledge-like seating is a great way to make the most out of the small space. If you don’t have this option, a storage ottoman or even a simple basket will do the trick.
6. Something personal
It’s all in the details, so when designing your reading nook, it’s nice to add something that makes it your own. This could be a wall mounted photo, a piece of artwork that your kids did, a woven textile, a stuffed animal — the options are endless, provided you keep it compact.
7. Headphones
If you’re using your reading nook to escape for a while, it’s important to also be able to drown out other distractions, whether you’re in the cozy corner of a crowded room, or something that resembles a certain young wizard’s bedroom. Wired, or wireless, noise-cancelling headphones will either allow you to get lost in your book, or you can play your favourite reading music or podcast on your phone.
8. A houseplant
There are many documented benefits to gardening — inside or out. When designing your cozy corner, a plant can help to reduce any feelings of anxiety or stress and boost your creativity. They can also help boost oxygen, giving your brain an added pick-me-up as you read, and caring for them helps you with concentration and memory — very relevant, especially when reading a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very loooooonnnngggggg novel in your reading nook. If you’re not good at keeping plants alive, an artificial one has a similar relaxing effect.
9. Softness
The single most important consideration when designing a reading nook is your comfort. Add a soft throw rug under your feet, a colourful floor cushion, an assortment of pillows and a soft blanket for ultimate enjoyment — we promise, no one is judging if you accidentally nap.
10. Content
Well, you’ve gone and designed a comfortable reading nook or cozy corner — all that’s left is to pick a good book!
Whether you’re designing a cozy corner to give you privacy, a special space that’s yours, a break from everyday routine, a mini escape, or to feel like a kid again climbing under the stairs, there are many options for accessorizing your reading nook.
Is a reading nook your next home or garden DIY project? Talk to an expert at the Home + Garden Show coming up in April for inspiration, products, or accessories to help you make the most out of your design task. The first day of spring is March 20, so the next step could be designing the perfect outdoor space to while away your leisure time.
— Original content is courtesy of winnipeghomeandgardenshow.com