Print works — and we can prove it

Exploring print options in today’s market place would at first glance appear to be foolish. After all, print is supposed to be dead and if it’s not already lying in its casket, it certainly is on a trajectory downward right? Well, although there are merits to this underlying thought, when it comes to mass/traditional media, niche publications such as the Winnipeg Real Estate News, Condo Lifestyle Magazine and Commercial Real Estate Magazine are very much a success story!
Proving print fulfills its mission has been a difficult task for marketers. There are, however, various considerations to measure the success of a print advertising purchase decision. Factors such as readership — how many people are reading the publication, circulation or the pick-up rate associated with the distribution and point of sales – presenting an offer that drives consumers to a retail location – or in the case of a REALTOR® - driving traffic to an open house. 
Readership or the number of people that have read the publication will never match your circulation. Imagine a sports magazine at a gym; although there is one copy of that magazine, there are multiple people reading it. The “one” copy is circulation and the “multiple people” is the readership.   This same concept applies for copies of various publications that are in waiting rooms, offices, coffee shops and other locations visited by consumers.
The Winnipeg Real Estate News is a weekly publication circulated within the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region. Our industry newspaper is called a niche publication because it serves a specific “niche” audience — those looking to buy or sell real estate in this marketplace. Your customers. They are a proactive audience and they have confident expectations regarding a positive outcome – they are going to buy or sell their home or investment.
We know that consumers are coming to you as an increasingly educated market. The do-it-yourself consumer is empowered and ready to take some action – whether it’s going to visit an open house, view a home with you, or possibly purchase or sell their property. They are ready and they are using the Winnipeg Real Estate News as one of their tools. How do we know? By our statistics on distribution and pick-up rates we receive weekly.
We have been conducting comprehensive reviews of our distribution. In tandem with our delivery company, we analyze weekly reports of distribution and pick up rates. The report advises on the returns available when they are dropping off the next issue. A return is an issue that has expired and will be recycled as part of our green efforts. Every week, these returns are reported on giving us an exact number of copies that were not picked up.   Through extensive controls of print volume reports, we have managed to achieve over a 96% pick up rate within the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region.
We have been able to extract this data, enter it into a spreadsheet and analyze current trends including areas that offer an opportunity for increased circulation and supply them with additional copies. We have also mapped these areas to show geographically where we have the ability for new neighbourhoods or markets. We then work with Wall-to-Wall Media to support these high density areas with additional rack distribution of our products: the Winnipeg Real Estate News, the Condo Lifestyle Magazine as well as the Commercial Real Estate Magazine (if deemed a fit). 
In certain high foot traffic locations, we also utilize a weekly replenishing system. An example would be at a Canada Safeway, Co-Op Gas Stations and RBCs where there are hundreds of people going in and out of those locations daily. Our distribution company returns to those locations up to three times weekly to ensure there are copies available.
The Winnipeg Real Estate News, Condo Lifestyles Magazine and Commercial Real Estate Magazine are highly sought after publications. The Winnipeg Real Estate News has been a part of the Winnipeg community for many years and is inherent with those buying or selling real estate. Our publications drive traffic, are used to promote Open Houses (Point of Sale) and most importantly encourage consumers to utilize their local REALTOR® in their real estate transaction. Using these niche print mediums is part of a well-rounded marketing mix – yes, even in today’s market.   
As we grow, we are excited to be expanding our options and will be able to offer WinnipegREALTORS® Associates customized digital marketing options – available this fall. We want to help your business with WinnipegREALTORS® publications – by offering print and digital to fully maximize your marketing efforts and reach all target markets.
If you would like more information or a brokerage presentation on the benefits of using the Winnipeg Real Estate News, Condo Lifestyle magazine or Commercial Real Estate Magazine or to hear about the new digital opportunities that will be available this fall, please contact Tracy Mainland – Vice President of Marketing and Publications - tmainland@winnipegrealtors.caor (204) 772-2411 x 202.